Our first year as Proxeuse
Originally published on 24 August 2020. The Dutch version has been archived on old.proxeuse.com.
We have reached a milestone! We have been operating under the name Proxeuse for a year now, and we are proud of that!
Proxeuse started in August 2018 as a small hosting company operating under the name Hostify. This name later turned out
to be used so much by other companies that it affected our operating results, so in the summer of 2019 we decided to
completely change it. From 24 August 2019, all communications, websites and the like would operate under the name of
Proxeuse and we would slowly phase out Hostify. In the meantime, we hardly use the name Hostify anymore and it’s also
almost nowhere to be found in (official) documents.
In the past year, we have grown enormously. Whereas last year we only offered our services to 5 customers, all of which
were running on third-party servers, at the end of 2019 we switched to dedicated servers that are fully managed by us.
Since then, we have introduced several additional services, such as Proxcloud, Proxcraft, Reseller Hosting and more. Our
customer base has also grown to more than 50 customers from all over the world. We are very proud of that.
Besides extra services, we also started writing several extensions for (our) systems in PHP and Python. We offer this
software with a small fee (sometimes even for free), and thanks to our love for open-source software, it is licensed
under the GPLv3.
Mission & Goals
In the past year we have also developed a goal, we decided to distinguish ourselves in the field of privacy from other
large parties on the market and thus offer a more privacy-friendly service. In addition, we want to contribute to a
fair, safe and open internet by implementing open protocols, using open-source software and offering certain services
for free. We are also developing a number of open APIs that will become available (free of charge) to third parties.
We plan to introduce a number of new services very soon, including WordPress Hosting, Email Only Hosting and more. As
you have come to expect from us, these services will be privacy-friendly but also easy to manage. Stay informed about
new products through our website and blog.
Of course, we will continue to strive for a better, fairer and more privacy-friendly internet.