Home TLDs .be domain

.be domain

Last updated on Jul 12, 2024

.be is the domain name for Belgium, a country in Western Europe that borders the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg and France.

Registration & Verification

Individuals and companies are allowed to register a .be domain, local presence is not required. Two or more nameservers and valid registrant data are required however. The .be registry (DNS belgium) might automatically start a verification process which requires registrants (you) to verify your supplied data. Once you applied for the domain name, an e-mail will be send out which contains a link to the verification portal. If this process is concludes successfully, the domain name will be activated within 30 minutes.


.be is one of the domain names that has a specific process for changing the ownership of the domain name. You cannot utilize the regular update process but you'll instead need to follow the trade route. Therefore, you need to request a trade code from DNSbelgium's website. The following criteria determine if you're requesting a trade or an update. Unfortunately there is a charge connected to the trade process.

  • Organization to a different organization: trade (also if it's only the trading name that changes)

  • Organization to a private individual: trade (also if the private individual was the previous contact person of the organization)

  • Organization to the same organization, but another contact name: regular update (also if other contact data, like address or e-mail, changes)

  • Private individual to a different private individual: trade

  • Private individual to an organization: trade (also if the organization's contact is similar to the previous private individual)