Proxeuse has registered a shortened version of its domain name as This is therefore a domain name with the Swedish domain extension. Several services are hosted on the domain name. Read more about each service below.
Status Dashboard
If you experience service interruptions and can no longer connect to any of our online environments, is the first place to look. This is where we automatically record if services are less accessible or if we are in the process of performing maintenance.
Emergency Contact
In the very rare case that our mainstream contact channels are down, you can contact our staff via We ask you to fill in some personal data that we check against our customer database so that we can validate that you are allowed to access this emergency environment.
URL Shortener
We regularly share links with clients or third parties. In doing so, we would like these not to be complex URLs that are difficult to type into the browser. Therefore, we use the domain to generate shortened URLs.
URLs shortened by Proxeuse employees always start with To check which page you are redirected to, you can always put a plus sign at the end of the URL to show a summary page. That would look like this, for example:
Personal Page
Employees of Proxeuse have a personal page at where they display their profile picture, brief description and contact options. This helps them to be able to personally contact customers instead of forwarding them to general customer service. A sample personal profile page can be found at